Learn Scripted REST APIs and Integration in ServiceNow with Real-API Projects
Write your own algorithm to calculate Triangular Arbitrage with depth on Centralised and Decentralised exchanges.
Develop an advanced decentralised trading bot which runs on AWS and sends private messages to your Telegram account
Create powerful Trading Strategies and fully automated AWS Trading Bots for Bitcoin & co. | Spot and Futures Trading
Harness the power of the most disruptive technology since the internet through real life examples! Master Blockchain Now
Use Ethereum, Solidity, and Smart Contracts to build production-ready apps based on the blockchain
Tensorflow 2 CNNs for Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing (NLP) +More! For Data Science & Machine Learning
Learn to create Deep Learning models in Python from two Machine Learning, Data Science experts. Code templates included.
Learn TensorFlow by Google. Become an AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning expert!
A comprehensive course about deep learning models with theory, intuition and implementation with Pytorch and TensorFlow