AWS Serverless Microservices with Patterns & Best Practices

Deal Score+1
$9.99 $119.99 REDEEM
Deal Score+1
$9.99 $119.99 REDEEM

AWS Serverless Microservices with Patterns & Best Practices Udemy Coupon Code. AWS Event-driven Serverless Microservices using AWS Lambda, API Gateway, EventBridge, SQS, DynamoDB and CDK for IaC

Udemy Course Details

AWS Serverless Microservices with Patterns & Best Practices

This course comes from a live GitHub aws-microservices repository which verified from community with 250+ stars and 100+ forks. In this course, we will learn AWS Event-driven Serverless Microservices with sing AWS Lambda, AWS DynamoDB, AWS API Gateway, AWS EventBridge, AWS SQS which stands for Simple Queue Service, AWS CDK stands for Cloud Development Kit for IaC – Infrastructure as Code tool and AWS CloudWatch for monitoring.

By the end of the course, you will learn how to develop reliable and scalable Serverless applications, following the microservices architecture. We will develop event-driven microservices with AWS Serverless services which comes with power of cloud high availability and high scalability by nature. Of course we will follow the Serverless Design Patterns and Best Practices when developing our e-commerce event-driven microservices application.

There is a couple of microservices which implemented e-commerce modules over Product, Basket and Ordering microservices. We will use AWS Lambda service as a microservices and use power of lambda functions. And this microservices databases will store NoSQL AWS DynamoDB databases.

And also we have followed communication patterns and best practices when designing Serverless microservice communications for synchronous and asynchronous communications with using AWS API Gateway, AWS EventBridge as a Eventbus and AWS SQS as a queue service. That means we design our architecture rely on asynchronous connections that gives us much more flexible and resilient application.

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Udemy Course Reviews

AWS Serverless Microservices with Patterns & Best Practices

Everything You Need to Know About AWS Serverless Microservices with Patterns & Best Practices

This course is a comprehensive and well-structured introduction to AWS Serverless Microservices with Patterns & Best Practices. The instructor, Mehmet Ozkaya is a leading expert in the field with a wealth of experience in Development to share.

The course is well-structured and easy to follow, and the instructor does a great job of explaining complex concepts in a clear and concise way.

The course is divided into sections, each of which covers a different aspect related to Web Development. Each module contains a series of video lectures, readings, and hands-on exercises.

The instructor does a great job of explaining each topic in a clear and concise way. He/She also provides plenty of examples and exercises to help students learn the material.

One of the things I liked most about this course is that it is very practical. The instructor focuses on teaching students the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the real world. He/She also provides students with access to a variety of resources, including templates, checklists, and cheat sheets.

Another thing I liked about this course is that it is offered on Udemy. Udemy is a great platform for taking online courses because it offers a lot of flexibility for students. Students can choose to take courses at their own pace, and they can access the course materials from anywhere with an internet connection.

Udemy also offers a variety of payment options, so students can find a plan that works for them. The course also has a very active community forum where students can ask questions and interact with each other. The instructor is also very responsive to student questions and feedback.

Overall, I highly recommend this course to anyone who is interested in learning AWS Serverless Microservices with Patterns & Best Practices. It is a well-organized and informative course that will teach you the skills and knowledge you need to succeed.

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