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Optimize MLOps, AIOps, and DevOps Workflows with Python Programming for MLOps - Essential skills for productionalization
DSA for Cracking the Coding Interview. Animated Examples for Faster Learning and Deeper Understanding.
Build, test, deploy Node for Docker, Kubernetes, Swarm, and ARM with the latest DevOps practices from a container expert
Docker Swarm Mastery Build, automate, and monitor a server cluster for containers using the latest open source on Linux and Windows
Docker Mastery Build, test, deploy containers with the best mega-course on Docker, Kubernetes, Compose, GitHub Actions CI using DevOps
Create Powerful Java Applications, Algorithms and Libraries using Java Reflection API, Take Full Advantage of the JVM
Become an expert in Multithreading, Concurrency & Parallel programming in Java, with strong emphasis on high performance
Learn Distributed Java Applications at Scale, Parallel Programming, Distributed Computing & Cloud Software Architecture
Architect Large Scale Systems using Cloud Computing, Software Architecture Patterns & Modern System Design Principles
Become a Software Architect or Technical Lead by Mastering Software Architecture, System Design & Big Data Processing.
Now with ChatGPT for Pandas, Online Exercises, Seaborn, Machine Learning. Fully Updated (Pandas 3.x) as of Sep 2024
Build a WordPress Website with ChatGPT, SEO & Prompt Engineering. Learn Web Development, Elementor, Design, Woocommerce.