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Cryptocurrency Algorithmic Trading with Python and Binance

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Cryptocurrency Algorithmic Trading with Python and Binance Udemy Coupon Code by Alexander Hagmann with 37.5 hours on-demand video course and free 13 downloadable resources. Create powerful Trading Strategies and fully automated AWS Trading Bots for Bitcoin & co. | Spot and Futures Trading

Cryptocurrency Algorithmic Trading with Python and Binance

Welcome to the most comprehensive Algorithmic Trading Course for Cryptocurrencies. It´s the first 100% Data-driven Crypto Trading Course! Learn how some of the most successful Crypto Traders and Investors make Profits. In this rigorous but yet practical Course, we will leave nothing to chance, hope, vagueness, or pure intuition! And it´s the most detailed course on the Binance API. Other Exchanges like Coinbase, Kraken, KuCoin, KuCoin Futures, OKEx, Bybit & co. are supported as well!

The course is structured in five Parts:

Part 1:  Fundamentals of Trading, Binance, and Python for Finance

  • Trading vs Investing
  • Spot vs. Derivates (Futures) Trading
  • What you should know about Cryptocurrencies as an Asset Class
  • Trading 101: Market Orders, Limit Orders, Commissions, Spreads, Slippage, Market Depth, and more
  • Binance Overview and the Binance API
  • Financial Data Analysis with Python and Pandas

Part 2: Automated Crypto Spot Trading

  • Long-only Strategies
  • Enhanced Buy-and-Hold Strategies
  • Backtesting, Optimization, and Forward Testing of Trading Strategies
  • Implementing and automating Trades
  • Creating fully automated Trading Bots in the Cloud (AWS)
  • Real Trading and Paper Trading

Part 3: Automated Crypto Futures Trading

  • Futures and perpetual Futures
  • Long-Short Futures Trading Strategies
  • Margin Trading (Leverage)
  • Real Trading and Paper Trading with the Binance Futures API

Part 4: API Trading with other Exchanges

  • Getting programmatic access with the CCXT Library
  • Trading with CCXT and Binance
  • Trading with CCXT and FTX
  • more examples to come…

Part 5 (Appendix): A Python Crash Course (optional)

  • Everything you need to know about Python Coding for this Course – no more, no less

What you’ll learn

  • Build automated Crypto Trading Bots with Python, Binance and Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Spot Trading and Futures Trading
  • Create powerful and unique Crypto Trading Strategies
  • Rigorous Testing of Strategies: Backtesting, Forward Testing and live Testing (Paper Trading)
  • Deep Dive into the Binance API (Spot & Futures)
  • API Trading with Binance and many other Exchanges (Coinbase, Kraken & co.)
  • Truly Data-driven Trading and Investing
  • Margin Trading (Leverage)
  • Understand Trading: Order Types, Commissions, Bid-Ask-Spread, Slippage, Liquidation, etc.
  • Load Historical Market Data (Price, Volume and more) from Crypto Spot & Futures Markets
  • Get programmatic access to many Crypto Exchanges with the CCXT Library
  • Python Coding and Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in a way that everybody understands it
  • Coding with Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib and Seaborn
  • Fully automate and schedule your Trades on a virtual Server in the AWS Cloud
  • Stream high-frequency real-time Cryptocurrency Data
  • Understand, analyze, control and limit Trading Costs
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Cryptocurrency Algorithmic Trading with Python and Binance Course Reviews

Everything You Need to Know About Cryptocurrency Algorithmic Trading with Python and Binance

This course offers a comprehensive and well-structured introduction to Cryptocurrency. Alexander Hagmann the instructor, brings a wealth of expertise in Finance & Accounting, making this course both informative and engaging.

The course structure is easy to follow. Each section, for example, covers a different aspect of Cryptocurrency Algorithmic Trading Course, ensuring a logical progression through the material. It includes video lectures, readings, and hands-on exercises, which make complex concepts accessible and practical.

Moreover, the instructor explains each topic clearly and concisely. He supports the lessons with plenty of examples and exercises, which help students grasp the material effectively.

What I appreciated most about this course is its practical focus. For instance, the instructor emphasizes teaching skills and knowledge that are directly applicable to real-world scenarios. Additionally, students gain access to helpful resources such as templates, checklists, and cheat sheets.

Another standout feature is the platform itself. Udemy Coupons offers flexibility, allowing students to learn at their own pace and access course materials from anywhere with an internet connection. Furthermore, the multiple payment options make it easy for students to choose a plan that suits their budget.

In addition, the course community is highly active, with forums where students can ask questions and engage with peers. The instructor, consequently, is very responsive and addresses student inquiries and feedback promptly.

Overall, I highly recommend the Cryptocurrency Algorithmic Trading with Python and Binance to anyone looking to learn Cryptocurrency. This well-organized and practical course equips you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in this field.

Cryptocurrency Algorithmic Trading with Python and Binance Course Rating

9.4Expert Score
Cryptocurrency Algorithmic Trading with Python and Binance

Create powerful Trading Strategies and fully automated AWS Trading Bots for Bitcoin & co. | Spot and Futures Trading

37.5 hours on-demand video
1 coding exercise
2 practice tests
53 articles
13 downloadable resources
Access on mobile and TV
Certificate of completion
Jose Mary
Jose Mary

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