Table of Contents
Java Spring Boot: Professional eCommerce Project Masterclass
Spring Framework + Spring Boot Full Stack: eCommerce REST API, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security 6, JWT, Deploy on AWS
Created by Faisal Memon | 89 hours on-demand video course
The Complete Spring Boot Full Stack Developer Guide Guide: Build a Production-Grade Complex eCommerce Real Time Project!
React Masterclass included
Master Spring Framework and Spring Boot [ SprintBoot ] for complete beginners who wish to get on a path to be a Full Stack Java Developer! Dive deep into Spring Framework and Spring MVC to build production-grade applications. Enhance your skills in Java, REST API development with hands-on experience. Learn to implement Spring Security with JWT for secure applications and explore advanced topics like Spring Cloud and Hibernate integration. This course covers everything from JPA to deploying on AWS, making you proficient in full stack web development. The knowledge gained through this course will also help you with learning Java Microservices using Spring Boot in Future.
This course is 50+ HOURS long and all about mastering Spring Boot and building a real-world, production-grade eCommerce application step-by-step with best practices. Designed for developers looking to enhance their skills, this course offers comprehensive coverage of web development fundamentals, advanced Spring Framework concepts, and practical application of Spring Boot.
Learn the essentials of web development and progress to advanced Spring Framework and Spring Boot concepts.
In the end, we will also be learning Thymeleaf where we build a application and add interface to it.
- Introduction and Setup
- Basics
- Spring Framework: The Basics
- Spring Framework: Working with Annotations
- Spring Boot 101: Building Our First REST API
- Getting Started With Ecommerce Application | Building Category Module
- Databases and Persistence
- Getting Started with JPA
- Reduce Boilerplate Code: Introducing Lombok
- Validations in Spring Boot API
- Implementing Pagination and Sorting
- Working with Multiple Entities and Relationships With JPA
- Working with PostgreSQL / MySQL
- Managing Products
- Spring Security | Securing Our Application
- Spring Security: JSON Web Tokens [JWT]
- Managing User Profiles and Roles
- Implementing Our Own Custom Authentication in E-commerce App
- Implementing Shopping Cart
- Different Databases – PostgreSQL and MySQL
- Manage User Address to Ship Orders
- Orders and Payments
- Revisiting Security
- Deploying API on AWS
- Spring Boot Profiles
- Advanced Deployment Options with AWS
- Spring AI
We also cover react concepts from beginner to advanced development so that it’s easy for you.
- [REACT BEGINNER] Introduction to React & Spring Boot Full Stack Fundamentals
- [REACT BEGINNER] Getting Started with JSX
- [REACT BEGINNER] Components and Props in React
- [REACT INTERMEDIATE] Introduction to React Hooks | Spring Boot Full Stack
- [REACT INTERMEDIATE] Introduction to useEffect Hook | Spring Boot Full Stack
- [REACT INTERMEDIATE] Introduction to useRef Hook | Spring Boot Full Stack
- [REACT INTERMEDIATE] Introduction to useContext Hook | Spring Boot Full Stack
- [REACT ADVANCE] Custom Hooks in React | Spring Boot Full Stack
- [REACT ADVANCE] APIs and React | Spring Boot Full Stack
- [REACT ADVANCE] React Hook Forms | Spring Boot Full Stack
- [REACT ADVANCE] React with Tailwind CSS | Spring Boot Full Stack
- [REACT ADVANCE] Routing with React | Spring Boot Full Stack
- [REACT ADVANCE] React Router Hooks To Know
- [REACT ADVANCE] Redux | Spring Boot Full Stack
By the end of this course, you’ll be able to build and deploy a fully functional eCommerce application using Spring Boot and related technologies. This course is perfect for developers who want to enhance their skills and create production-grade applications. Enroll now and take your Spring Boot expertise to the next level!